Activated Blog

Week of February 9, 2025: Flooded

Many of the analyses of the Trump administration have pointed out how they are "flooding the zone." It's been too much to keep up with how our institutions are being demolished in detail. The administration has an advantage in that it's easier to tear something apart than maintain or build something new. For now, I'm telling myself that each bit of action still counts; I don't want to just let it all become noise. It's overwhelming, but it doesn't change what I can do about it, for now.

What I'm doing this week:

  • Read about Democracy 2025 and Indivisible and check out how I can use them to be more effective. I might make a timeline for myself of what all is going on, just to remember how and when all of this is happening.
  • Contacting my representative and senators (again). Suzanne Bonamici reports that 6,000 constituents called her this week!
  • Continue making an emergency go back and document what's going in ours.
  • Keep reaching out to community. This is no time to hunker down and isolate.
  • Ride my bike more. In a world that's burning up, in a country that wants to "drill baby drill," riding my bike is a legitimate form of resistance.